a new generation of scientists – critical, independent and interdisciplinary
… think about and develop concrete utopias for a sustainable future and implement them in an interdisciplinary way.
With the Young VDW, the Federation of German Scientists (VDW) now has a suborganization cut out for young scientists. Young VDW is a young, interdisciplinary, and independent think tank oriented towards the aims of the VDW such as the responsibility of science. National and international students, university graduates, doctoral candidates, and post-doctoral researchers are equally involved in this innovative and forward-looking think tank. The aim is to bring young researchers from different scientific disciplines into an active and constructive discourse with each other, to strengthen them in their competencies, and thus to improve their future prospects.
Who we are …
We are an association of national and international students, graduates, doctoral candidates, and postgraduates from various scientific disciplines. As Young VDW, we address the new generation of scientists with their extensive professional knowledge, especially in their respective focus areas. In a world that is changing ever faster, unsettling many and harboring complex risks and issues that are difficult to control, we as Young VDW offer young scientists a platform to contribute to the societal discourse on science, society, and necessary change, as well as to actively engage and network in various thematic areas.
What we strive for …
We offer and invite you to work with us for sustainable, holistic solutions and the critical reflection of socially relevant issues in view of the responsibility of science. We strive for inter- and transdisciplinary (sustainability) research and collaboration. At it, we are independent of economic, party and other power interests. We have set ourselves the goal of utilizing and bringing together our acquired expertise and symbiotically strengthening our competencies, thereby improving our future prospects. Both scientific and societal demands and transformational developments are to be accompanied in a sustainable and socially critical manner in doing so. With our engagement we intend to stimulate new impulses and discourses in science as well as in society in Germany and around the globe. We aim to broaden horizons and develop concrete utopias for a sustainable, peaceful, and fair world community.
What we offer …
Specifically, Young VDW offers
- opportunities to contribute to topics and projects of VDW
- a platform for contributing and realizing your ideas for new projects
- a growing network of like-minded people from different universities, countries, disciplines, and backgrounds
- an active discourse and exchange between young and old lifeworlds
- room for personal commitment to relevant future topics in cooperation with others
- the opportunity for mentoring and dialogue with experienced and renowned scientists and scholars
- the co-creation of a VDW podcast on the responsibility of science
- the planning and implementation of as well as participation in a Summer School taking place in 2022.
Whom we want to reach …
Young VDW addresses new generations of scientists with different academic backgrounds who want to actively engage and network across disciplines in order to contribute to the societal discourse on science, society, and necessary change as well as to actively engage and network in different thematic fields.
In doing so, we welcome interested people from very different scientific disciplines such as:
- social and behavioral sciences (sociology, law, political science, psychology, ethnology, communication sciences, business administration, and economics)
- cultural sciences (art and cultural studies, linguistics, theater studies, literature, philosophy, ethics, education, history, religious studies)
- Natural sciences (physics, chemistry, geology, biology, genetics)
- interdisciplinary sciences (medicine, pharmacy, engineering)
- Formal sciences (logic, mathematics, computer science)
How we work …
We are non-partisan, work largely autonomously, are guided by the principles of VDW in the sense of responsible science, and are therefore not bound to any political or economic institutions or organizations. We identify ourselves exclusively with the principles of science: factuality, objectivity, and independence are central to as well as indispensable for our work.

Visions Define Worlds | Visions Determine Ways – the motto of the Young VDW
Events and Projects
Young VDW offers a multitude of possibilities to engage in scientific discourse. Both our event series Aktionstage zur Aufklärung 2.0 and Jung und Alt bewegt focus on addressing the needs and ideas of a younger generation of scientists. We aim at generating intergenerational dialogue and fostering new relationships. You have the chance to discuss sustainable approaches to different aspects relating to science and society.
Furthermore, the VDW creates formats directed specifically at the Young VDW. We want to provide platforms in which you can discuss new projects and approaches.
Our series of events „Inspirational Club“ is specially designed to make interdisciplinarity a reality, to inspire each other and to engange in interdisciplinary discussions. On the first Saturday of every month, we cover a wide variety of topics and invite inspiring young scientists to present their expertise and perspectives. The event is held online via Zoom in English.
If you are interested to join, please send an e-mail using keyword „Inspirational Club“.
The upcoming events, including the access data, can be found in the column on the right hand side.
Join us…
Conceive, develop, and implement a responsible and sustainable future.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
If you have already decided that you would like to become a member of Young VDW, simply send fill in our Young VDW Membership Form and send it to junge-vdw@vdw-ev.de or by mail to the VDW office.
Join us!
Become a member of YVDW
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, March 2nd 2024, 3.00 p.m. CET
„We the People – Embracing the Human Element in the World of Science“ | Elvira Barkhatova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Meeting-ID: 827 6634 7446
Code: 495900
Saturday, April 6th 2024, 3.00 p.m. CET
„The best of both worlds? Hybrid Intelligence as a next step of Human Intelligence.“ | Gleb Vzorin, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Meeting-ID: 827 6634 7446
Code: 495900
Our Board Members