Responsibility in science, independence, non-partisanship, and solidarity are the basic principles of the Federation of German Scientists (Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler e. V., VDW). We connect scientists from all disciplines to critically and interdisciplinarily discuss socially relevant topics as well as results and consequences of scientific research and technology. Key topics of our work include climate and sustainability, peace and security, digitalization, as well as socio-economic and -ecological transformation.
You are interested in becoming a member of the VDW? Fill out the declaration of membership and send it back to us.
You have further questions? Contact us directly via e-mail – we are looking forward to hear from you: info@vdw-ev.de.
Please note: The bulk of information on our projects, events, and other activities can be found on our German website www.vdw-ev.de
Our Mission Statement
Who are we? How do we network? What are our values? Why is the VDW necessary? And how do we implement our goals?
Our History
How did the VDW come into being? What does it have to do with the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs?
Bodies of the VDW
Who is part of the board of VDW? Who is active in its scientific advisory board?
Our Topics
What are the main topics the VDW addresses in its projects, events, and other activities?
Study Groups
Which topics do the VDW’s study groups discuss? What are the outcomes of the different study groups‘ work?
Young VDW
What does the VDW have to offer for young, upcoming scientists and students?